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Storage Guides
    As macadamia nut kernels have high fat content, they should best be vacuum packed or packed in nitrogen flushed container to prevent rancidity. The fresh kernels are creamy white which grow darker as they age. 
    If stored in its original, unopened, vacuum-packed package in a cool (3-4°C), dry environment, it will normally retain its best quality for more than a year from its package date. Under normal room temperature, unopened package can last for about 1 year.

    After opening, it should be kept in airtight containers to retain its quality. If left in normal room temperature, macadamia nuts can last from 2-4 weeks. However, if kept in dry, airtight containers in the refrigerator, it will last 6 months and 9-12 months if kept in a freezer (-18°C).

    In case nuts have gone rancid or developed an off odor, they should be used for animal feed such as chicken or pigs but not dogs. Macadamias are toxic to dogs.
มะคาเดเมีย, macadamia, ข้าวลืมผัว
มะคาเดเมีย, macadamia

C.P.K. Plantation Co.,Ltd.,6 Soi Soonvijai 3 , New Petchburi Rd., Bangkapi, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320
Tel.  02-718-1433, 02-718-1932, 02-310-0297   Fax. 02-718-2403    E-Mail : sales@macadamia-nut.net

C.P.K. Plantation Co.,Ltd., 220 Mu 10, Tambon Rongjik, Phurua District, Loei Province 42160
Tel. 042-039-815 Fax. 042-039-816

มะคาเดเมียนัท, ข้าวลืมผัว